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Whether, novice or a seasoned player, junior or senior in age, Cindy has been able to help a wide variety of golfers improve their golf game. Cindy takes into consideration her student's physical abilities and implements the necessary tools to improve their game. Her hands on approach reflects her enthusiasm she has for her teaching.


Novice/Beginner: The emphasis at this level is to ensure that her students are taught the proper basic skills.Proper instruction at the introduction to golf is the key to success and enjoyment of the game. From tee shots to putting, Cindy is able to establish the foundation for a beginning golfer to build upon.


Intermediate/ Recreational: Unfortunately, the majority of golfers have been taught the basics by a friend or family member. More often than not, this type of instruction usually leads to poor technique and a lot of frustration. It's at this level that most golfers seek professional instruction. Because of improper training, most golfers at this level have acquired bad habits. These habits are the culprits of continued frustration and are difficult for a golfer to break. Cindy is able to identify the faults, make the necessary corrections and give her students the proper tools needed to improve their game and more importantly, their enjoyment of the game.


Advanced/Seasoned Players: Many seasoned golfers might think that golf instruction is limited to beginner or intermediate golfers. However, a smart golfer knows that the right instructor is the difference between an increase or decrease in their handicap. Cindy's emphasis at this level is in the fine tuning of your game. Whether it be a correction in set-up or an adjustment to your grip, the seemingly minor adjustments can make the most dramatic improvement to your game.

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